Dir en Grey Book Series & CD Compilations

Book series created for the Japanese metal band Direngrey showcasting a compilation of lyrics for all of their songs up until 2011. Some of the important aspects that I wanted to communicate were the unique style that the band has where the heavy is many times combined or mixed with the melodic and soft. That and also the different twisted messages in all of their songs.

The designed aimed to present and reflect the tone of the music which ranges from very heavy and intense screaming to soft and melodic tunes. The books is divided in 2 volumes. Sin which is are the more personal songs where the main topics talks about emotional experiences and feelings of your innerself. And blood, deals with all the degrading aspects of society in general, touching topics like war, rape, violence and media. The books are also designed to work for both Japanese and English readers where you can go back to front or front to back. The inside also carries the concept in a more subtle way with the ink in the frames.